On September 11, we detected an Iranian cargo plane entering Georgian airspace - Khoshtaria requests an explanation from the authorities


"On September 11, we detected on the radar an Iranian cargo plane entering the airspace of Georgia," said the leader of the "Droa" party, Elene Khoshtaria, at an emergency briefing.

 Khoshtaria does not rule out that Georgian airspace is used for Iranian cargo planes, which are used as transport for Iranian unmanned aerial vehicles, the "Shaheed-136".

"One of the main weapons of the terrorist attacks carried out against Ukraine yesterday was the Iranian unmanned aerial vehicles, "Shaheed-136"... On September 11, we detected on the radar an Iranian cargo plane entering the airspace of Georgia, which had taken off from a civil-military airport. On September 19 The US has additionally imposed sanctions on this particular airline for this type of Boeing shipment, stating that these are the very shipments that supply Russia with similar equipment and the necessary chips for this equipment and more.

 After what can be described as a terrorist attack yesterday, any government with any sound sense should be concerned and extremely transparent about such movements in its territorial airspace.

 If this aircraft that entered Georgia was not part of the deal with Georgia, we should provide a detailed explanation of how it happened, why it entered our space and what cargo was in this aircraft. The government said that this airline was not sanctioned and I presented documents that it is sanctioned by the US.

 Second, they do not disclose what cargo was on this plane, or what the government did, and also what cargo we are dealing with. In this regard, either the Georgian authorities will make a detailed explanation regarding the air traffic, or they will be legitimately suspected of criminal cooperation with Russia and Iran... we are waiting for the official explanation of the authorities" - says Elene Khoshtaria

