I am frightened by my father's condition - Eduard Saakashvili


"My father's condition frightens me," Mikheil Saakashvili's son Eduard Saakashvili told Netgazeti in an interview.

In an interview, Eduard Saakashvili spoke about the state of health of the third president and said that the more the government delays taking Mikheil Saakashvili abroad, the more irreversible the condition could become.

"It would be much better if it was supported by the government from beginning to end, but I go back to whether they trust "empathy" is another question, they know reality, and I think this conclusion and then presenting it in court is a chance for the government to do the right thing. I hope that they will take this chance. I would take it if I were them. At some point they will, but it better happen sooner so my father's health will not be so irreversibly compromised. Maybe some things are already irreversible. This is already a game of risk, which is greater the longer it goes on. The likelihood is that something very bad will happen. I understand that politically it was important to them to not to let him go. Humanly I don't agree, but I understand. They needed it to legitimize themselves to their voters, but at some point the moral and political harm of leaving him there will outweigh transferring him. When that will happen, and whether it will be too late is another question.

I'm afraid even if he gets out tomorrow, he'll be taken somewhere and treated, will he be able to get back to his normal self? It shouldn't have come to this. The authorities could have acted differently from the beginning, and this tension would not have arisen. It is the result of irresponsibility or a mistake, but a mistake can always be corrected. Look at the possible outcome - Mikheil Saakashvili was in jail, he has been ruined, taken out of the country, being treated abroad... I think the opposition even got weaker because of all this, because it seemed to them that Saakashvili coming was not enough for anything; and "Georgian Dream" would appear as a powerful force which made the right, state and responsible step. I think that's not a bad scenario for them. Maybe their advisors tell them otherwise, but that's what I would recommend. I hope the problem will be solved not politically but from a humanitarian point of view, because I really don't think deep down they want Misha Saakashvili to die or become permanently disabled. Politically they shouldn't want that either, but I'm not a politician and maybe I don't see something clearly. But I have optimism, it is necessary. The situation is so grave, we have been hearing bad news on this issue for a year now, without optimism we would have dropped the shield and sword long ago," said Eduard Saakashvili.

