Ukraine asked Georgia to return "Buk" complexes handed over during the 2008 war - Kasyanov


Ukraine's Chargé d'affaires, Andrey Kasyanov, says that Kyiv asked Tbilisi to hand over the Buki missile complexes, which Georgia received from Ukraine in 2008. He talks about this topic in an article published in the Ukrainian media.

"The Ukrainian side is consistent in its demand for the supply of weapons, military equipment and ammunition to all international partners, including Georgia, and also openly stated the vital need for weapons at the very beginning of the Russian Federation's large-scale invasion of Ukraine. In particular, Kyiv  asked for the transfer of the Buk complexes, which Ukraine gave to Georgia during the 2008 war.", - Kasyanov's article mentions.

Kasyanov writes that Ukraine's request also included the Javelin anti-tank complexes transferred by the USA to Georgia - "in relation to the latter there was not only an agreement from the USA, but even a proposal to replace them with new complexes".

"Despite the fact that the government of Georgia has categorically refused military aid, Ukraine opposes the use of this issue in internal political disputes and denies any accusations that Georgia is trying to engage in war with the Russian Federation," Kasyanov notes.

