A citizen of Georgia was arrested in Belarus, who was going to join the war on the side of Ukraine


The Belarusian government channel "Belarus 1" reports that Georgian citizen Giorgi Zirakashvili was arrested. According to their reports, the detainee wanted to go to fight in Ukraine.

 The story says that a 36-year-old man lived in Poland and worked as a taxi driver.  Later, after returning to Georgia, he was banned from entering the European Union due to violation of the rules.

 The media say that Zirakashvili, while in Georgia, decided to join the Georgian Legion and fight on the side of Ukraine.  According to them, the embassy advised to go to Ukraine via Belarus, Poland or Moldova.  In the media story, Zirakashvili is shown directly, without covering his face.

 The TV station also claims that he applied to the Ukrainian embassy in Minsk to "move to Ukraine".

 In the story, the Belarusian TV channel accuses the Ukrainian embassy in the country of recruiting people to go to war.

 According to the Belarusian bureau of "Radio Liberty", a citizen of Georgia was arrested by special services in Belarus.

