There is no country on earth that would show the same solidarity under conditions like ours - Papuashvili on Ukraine


"There is not a single country in the world that would show the same solidarity that we have shown in our circumstances. If we look at the situation in Georgia, we are the country that, unlike all the other countries that are in the alliance supporting Ukraine, we are the only country that is not protected by the umbrella of NATO, along with Moldova, that is not protected by the umbrella of economic solidarity of the European Union, that has gone through three wars with Russia, and look at the countries of the alliance and say which one went to war with Russia, and we are the only country on whose territory the Russian army is still present. Under these conditions, the solidarity that "Georgia declares to Ukraine, political or otherwise, is not shown by others".

- said the chairman of the parliament, Shalva Papuashvili.

