I am disappointed when I see members of radical groups in the corridors of Brussels and Strasbourg – Papuashvili


Unfortunately, there is something , and I have even said this, that I am very disappointed when I see members of radical groups in the corridors of Brussels and Strasbourg. This is a direct encouragement of radicalism, and of course, if radicalism is encouraged, it will not be possible to talk about any depolarization. That's why I'm sorry, this was the case on other occasions, and I made it very clear even then, including to the representatives of the European Union, that on the one hand, you talk that the country should do everything for depolarization, and on the other hand, you hinder this depolarization by encouraging the radicals, be it by meetings or otherwise, it's certainly very disappointing. Each such handshake gives additional energy to radical groups, and this responsibility must be understood by all. When we talk about depolarization, international actors also have their share in terms of polarization in Georgia, so all actors should realize their share of responsibility.

said the Chairman of the Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, speaking about the meetings of the three parties in Strasbourg and Brussels.

