We were very concerned about the move, which would be very dangerous for the civil society of Georgia, for all Georgians and for the organizations that help others. They will be called foreign agents and spies - US Ambassador Kelly Degnan says regarding the Russian bill.
Speaking on the live broadcast of "Mtavari Channel" in the program "Guest of the Day", Ambassador Degnan stated that international organizations were doing useful work for Georgia and the Georgian people, and this was felt in different regions of the country. Ambassador Degnan once again said that the bill was "inspired by the Kremlin" and drew a parallel with Russia, where, according to her, a similar law killed the civil society.
"The law, which was based on the Kremlin, inspired by the Kremlin, was unacceptable. There is transparency in these organizations, foreign aid is quite transparent, reports are submitted every three months to various agencies, so I don't think transparency of finances was the issue here, the goal was to suppress voices ,to stigmatize the people who work for Georgia," says Kelly Degnan.