Guram Dochanashvili was buried in Saburtalo cemetery


Writer Guram Dochanashvili was buried in Saburtalo cemetery. The family has taken this decision at the writer’s will. 

He was buried next to his son, Irakli Dochanashvili, who died in 1990 at the age of 22. Earlier, his civil funeral was held at the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

Guram Dochanashvili was born on March 26, 1939 in Tbilisi. He died on April 3, at the age of 82. He is the author of such works  as "The First Garment", "Waterloo or Reconstruction Works", "A Man Who Loved Literature" and others. He published his last book "On the Blind. And ..." in 2015.

The writer received the Saba Award for "Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Literature" and was an honorary citizen of Tbilisi.

