Another joint statement of the US and EU Delegations



The US Embassy, ​​a US State Department spokeswoman and senior EU officials have issued a joint statement on the political negotiation process in Georgia.

The statement said that they call on all members of the Georgian Parliament to sign the agreement, which will be presented at today's talks.

The offer is unchanged.

After nearly six months of negotiations, the citizens of Georgia have made clear that they want the political crisis to end, and for all elected Members to work together in Parliament and address the serious challenges facing the country, including the regional challenges, COVID, and the economic crisis.
With this in mind, the European Union and the United States call on all Members of Georgia’s Parliament to sign the agreement that European Council President Michel will propose today. This is an agreement all Members can sign in good faith rather than a unilateral action that undermines the goal of a broad-based agreement.
The institutional reforms in the agreement represent important progress for Georgia’s democratic development and are of significant benefit for its citizens, helping to create a more independent judiciary, stronger electoral processes, and a Parliament that can better reflect the voices of all people of Georgia.
Accepting this compromise demonstrates courage and a commitment by all parties to put the needs of the citizens of Georgia first, ahead of the interests of any one political party.


მმართველ გუნდსა და ოპოზიციას შორის მოლაპარაკებები დღეს, 18 აპრილს 17:00 საათზე გაიმართება. შეხვედრას შეერთებული შტატებისა და ევროკავშირის ელჩი, კელი დეგნანი და კარლ ჰარცელი დაესწრებიან.

განსახილველი თემა კრიტსიენ დანიელსონის მიერ წარმოდგენილი დოკუმენტი იქნება, რომელსაც "ქართულმა ოცნებას" ხელი 16 აპრილს მოაწერა.

