"You are the president of a country whose government dare not mention the word 'Russia' in a resolution..." | Address by Tamar Baghashvili to Salome Zurabishvili


"You are the president of the country whose government does not dare to mention the word 'Russia' in the resolution... Now it is very important that we all agree that Russia is an enemy and an occupant," said Mtavari Channel journalist and TV presenter Tamar Baghashvili to Salome Zurabishvili.

You are the commander in chief of the army that lost Archil Tatunashvili and you are a descendant of the emigrant government of the First Republic and president of the country whose government now dare not mention the word 'Russia' in the resolution. In the context of national consensus, it is probably very important that we all agree that Russia is an enemy and an occupant," Tamar Baghashvili said.

