Neither ISFED, nor similar organizations have a place in parliamentary working groups," says Irakli Kobakhidze, chairman of Georgian Dream, and says that their position with regard to this organization was "very soft." According to Kobakhidze, Honest Elections has not separated itself from the demand to dismiss the government, which means "they intend to continue to participate in revolutionary processes."
"On the contrary, these public organizations give an ultimatum when they say they will not participate in working groups. As for ISFED, our position toward it was very soft, despite the fact that this organization had falsified the PVT (parallel vote count) and despite the fact that it directly demanded the resignation of the government and the formation of the so-called technical government, we offered them the opportunity to dissociate from this request, in which case they would have the opportunity to join a working group. However, even here their position was very firm, which shows that they intend to participate in the revolutionary processes in the future as well. Under such circumstances, of course, neither ISFED, nor similar organizations have no place in the parliamentary working groups," Kobakhidze said.
According to him, non-participation of ISFED and other radical "NGOs" will not harm the process in any way as they are "not competent and not honest."
Today, Kobakhidze once again responded to Kelly Degnan, who spoke about Georgian Dream's allegations against ISFED.
Degnan says that once an error was discovered in the PVT data, it was immediately reported to the public, it was a statistical, minor error, and her notion that it served a revolutionary scenario is a complete distortion of reality.
According to Kobakhidze, the "falsification of the PVT" cannot be called a minor statistical error
I do not want to get into polemics with Mrs. Ambassador, but I will say that I am very disappointed with the statements made on the issue of falsification of PVT (parallel vote counting) by ISFED. Such an important fact as PVT falsification cannot be called an insignificant statistical error," says Kobakhidze.
According to Kobakhidze, "before we cornered them," it took the ISFED a month and a half to "recognize the falsification" of the parallel vote count.