TV managers appointed by Bekauri - dictatorship in the name of law


Amendments to the Law on Electronic Communications were registered with the Parliamentary Bureau today, and if adopted, the regulator will have the right to appoint special managers in organizations for a period of two years.

The document states that any person who does not have a conflict of interest with an authorized / licensed organization can be a special manager. Amendments to the law will give the regulatory commission the right to appoint a manager if, despite the penalties imposed, the organization fails to enforce the decision.

Bekauri's initiative is assessed by the heads of media organizations as an attempt to establish a dictatorship and persecution of free speech. As the lawyer of the "Mtavari Channel" explains that this initiative gives the regulator indefinite rights that will be used to suppress critical speech: The General Director of the "Mtavari Channel" assesses the legislative initiative as dictatorial and an attempt to usurp power:

What could be more dictatorship than this? What kind of deep authoritarianism or usurpation of power can there be? Directly, through irrational censorship, decided by the hideous Regulatory Commission and the criminal Kakha Bekauri, it is a plan to seize any media at any time… Now it is clear why they needed to launch the sabotage case against us,- Nika Gvaramia writes on Facebook.

The equivalent of raiding the media - this is how the General Director of "Caucasia" evaluates the mentioned initiative: SOS! To all parties, to all non-governmental organizations, to all media: a bill has been registered in the Bureau of the Parliament today, which gives the Communications Commission the right to appoint a special manager in organizations within the framework of special measures to enforce its decisions. It is not directly stated that this also applies to televisions, but trust me, this applies to televisions. I already know Bekauri well and I know what he is going to do. In addition, the amendments are introduced to a law on broadcasting that envisage the following:

The legal acts of the commission may be appealed in court in accordance with the rules established by law. Receipt of a lawsuit in court will not result in the suspension of the Commission's legal acts. " This means that Bekauri will no longer have to wait until the end of the trial and will have the right to immediately execute his abnormal decisions, which is practically the equivalent of raiding the media. “In short, either understand what we are dealing with and take adequate action, or stay where you are. I can no longer tolerate this madness,-Nino Jangirashvili wrote.

